Also mostly a reference book rather than a proper repository of proofs (theres some sketches of proofs), but still quite a lot of math. Search our database of over 100 million company and executive profiles. Earman is entirely dedicated to weird issues related to general relativity, such as singularities, closed timelike curves, the initial value problem, supertasks, horizons and other such problems. Fin is a consequence of relativity theory. View John W Earman's profile for company associations, background information, and partnerships. The spin and twin axioms can be established by entanglement experiments. He is an emeritus professor in the History and Philosophy of Science department at the University of. Cette liste de philosophes américains est non exhaustive, et regroupe toutes les personnes ayant pratiqué la philosophie durant plusieurs années de leur vie aux États-Unis. John Conway and Simon Kochen assume three axioms, which they call 'SPIN', 'TWIN' and 'FIN'. John Earman is an American philosopher of physics. Kvantuma kampa teorio estas kvantuma teorio de kampoj.ar kampoj havas malfiniaj gradoj de libereco, la kvantuma teorio de kampoj estas tre pli komplikaj ol teorioj de aliaj kvantumaj sistemoj, malgra ke la principoj de kvantuma mekaniko restas same.