Finally, there are animals, which don’t terraform per se but are still necessary to complete the process. You can expect to start seeing plants in the midgame. These plants require the effects of the initial terraforming like rainfall. While they passively improve things such as global temperature and the atmosphere, you can then deploy plants. Bacteria are the initial lifeforms you get to use as their requirements are achievable in the early game. On lifeforms, there are a further three types: Bacteria, Plants, and Trees. There are three ways in which the process can begin: Lifeforms, Buildings, and Leader Abilities.
There is also the subject of the actual terraforming. You can garner more support through several different buildings as well as space projects and exploring certain tiles on the map. The expectations of the colonists are constantly rising, and precautions need to be taken to ensure that Support doesn’t run out. Keep in mind that time is of the essence. Claiming tiles allows you to build mines if there are resources or special buildings if it is empty. As the game progresses you can expand a city’s influence on the map by expanding its population. These leader powers are based on who is leading the expedition with each providing a host of different abilities. Each turn you can explore a tile on the planetary view or use a leader power. The player will start with a single headquarters and a choice between two random leaders. Terraformers is challenging yet fair in terms of gameplay, with resource management being a huge aspect of the game. Whilst the arrows indicating imports and exports are helpful, I wish the little numbers beside the resources would also include the trades. The same can not be said however about the trade menu. The way they present the progress towards the terraforming of the planet is easy to read. The planetary view gives the player a view of the entire globe as well as the sectors. There are primarily two screens to look at: Planetary view and Colony View. Terraformers has gone for a very pleasing art style. You are put in charge of establishing Man’s foothold on the red planet. Terraformers is a Colony building game set on Mars produced by Asteroid Lab and published by Goblinz Publishing.